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What modes of payment do you accept?

We accept credit card, debit card, GCash, and bank transfers. For reference, we use UnionBank.

How do I send my order payment confirmation?

Pay via bank deposit using the same bank details as the one in the checkout page.Once paid, take a screenshot of your deposit slip.Send it to [email protected], our website chatbot, or any of our social media accounts together with your order number

Why is my payment not working?

If you have tried a few times and your payment is not pushing through, you may opt to pay via bank deposit! Here are the instructions:

Can you provide an Official Receipt (OR)?

We provide an Official Receipt (OR) with every order. The OR is made in the name of the order's receiver. Should you wish to specify OR details, please tick the "Request for official receipt (OR)" checkbox upon checkout and add the company name and T

Do you accept Senior Citizen/Persons with Disabilities cards?

Yes, we do! People who present their valid senior citizen or persons with disability ID will be eligible for a 20% off discount on their order. Before checking out, please email us at [email protected] with a picture of your Senior Citizen/PwD card.